Former Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear, once said that churches should be the safest places for homosexuals to come out of the closet. In that same sermon, he said that Christians should stand up against discrimination in the “LGBTQ community,” and that those Christians who don’t, well, they’re “dressed up in Satan clothes.” So if a church were to take Greear’s advice and implement that into church policy, what exactly would that look like?
It would look like Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church.
You’ve probably heard of Zach Lambert if you follow Christian social media or the blogosphere at all. Lambert is a radical pro-LGBTQ activist who has made it his life mission to fully endorse any and all homosexual activity and normalize this aberrant behavior in the Church.
Lambert, who pastors Restore Church in Austin, TX, preached a “sermon” about homophobia and transphobia where he affirms these perversions against God and nature while arguing that the Bible has nothing to say about this sin. He then doubled down on this claiming that the Bible affirms not just sexual perversions, but various other forms of social activism of varying degrees of heretical-ness (is that a word?).

In reality, there’s no way to even deal with somebody like this except to simply mock them. This is arrogance on a monumental scale. “Because of the Bible and not in spite of it.” Again, this means that all the Giants of the faith for the last 2000 years that went before got all of this wrong—every one of them from the first century until the last few decades. All of the great champions and warriors of the faith, many of whom gave their lives in service of Christ in his word—all of them got all of this wrong.
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And just like Dwight McKissic, who says that the entire church has had the wrong teaching on women pastors for the last 2000 years until the modern feminist movement uncovered and corrected it, it’s that arrogance and self-exalting pride that writes these guys off just as much as the heresy they teach.
It’s also an accusation against God himself, that he left his people in the dark on such key issues until these clowns came along. If these views are of such key importance, how could the one true and living God not make them known until now?
Despite all of this, Lambert has found himself at home at Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church, where an entire hodgepodge of rank heretics and LGBTQ activists convened last week to promote homosexuality in the Church. Among those Lambert was at home with was the founder of Centerpeace—a radical pro-homosexual organization—Sally Gary. Gary is also “married” to another woman and is part of the Churches of Christ denomination.

“This past week I was in Atlanta for the Embracing the Journey ‘Unconditional’ Conference for over 500 parents of LGBTQ children,” Gary wrote on Instagram. “It was one of my all-time favorite conference experiences, from the speakers and teachers, the worship times, connecting with old friends and making new ones, and of course, the shared meals. Confidentiality was of utmost importance, so no photography was allowed. I did happen to snap a few shots with my friends…”
There is absolutely no denying that North Point Community Church, the home of Andy Stanley, son of the late former SBC president, Charles Stanley, has become a hotbed and safe haven for homosexuals.