Here at The Dissenter, we have repeatedly hammered the undeniable fact that the contemporary Christian music industry is essentially a breeding ground for apostasy. We’ve covered numerous artists and bands that have fallen over the last several years. From one of Hillsong’s most popular songwriters, Marty Sampson, who came out as an atheist, to various popular names like Switchfoot and Amy Grant, who came out as LGBTQ-affirming, the list is endless.
Yet, we can now add another one to the list. Plumb, essentially a solo project for lead vocalist Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, emerged in the late 1990s. Originally starting as a band, the transformation into a solo endeavor seemed more suited to the style and direction that Lee wished to pursue.
Many of Plumb’s songs were popular in Evangelical circles, particularly, youth groups, including “Need You Now (How Many Times),” “Exhale,” and “Lord I’m Ready Now”—a song about surrendering to the Lord. In fact, I remember some of these songs from my youth group days in the Southern Baptist church I grew up in during the 90s. If you’ve never heard any of this music, don’t worry, you’re not missing out on anything.
As is the case with the vast majority of these popular movements, once the money, fame, and notoriety start rolling in, there is no longer a need for God. As Plumb recently announced on Instagram, she’s now fully LGBTQ-affirming, and even marches in “pride” events.
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“Today I attended my first #Pride parade…” she wrote on Instagram. “As a straight, Jesus loving woman, I felt so incredibly late to the game… and thankful to be so welcomed…”
“It was so fun and happy and joyful… people being so peaceful and so proud of who they are and I was so thankful to be there…there was nothing but space for me to show love for everyone under the sun.
If you have never attended a #Pride event… I would encourage you to do that, regardless of your feelings about the LGBTQ + community.”
“I love Jesus,” she wrote, “And I love you. I truly believe Jesus loves you just as you are.” This woman does not know Jesus and she certainly does not love Him. What she loves is herself, her reputation with people, and relative safety and comfort in this life by shirking God’s word and ignoring His commandments. She is living her “best life now.”