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If This is How You Dress When You Preach, Don’t Call Yourself a Christian Pastor

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Apostasy, Blog, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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I’m not legalistic when it comes to what you wear to church, even if you’re a pastor. But there is a such thing as reverence, and there are some who go out of their way to be irreverent in how they present themselves to the Lord for worship.

Take Pastor Scott Williams, for example. Williams is one of the co-pastors at the Florida Southern Baptist megachurch, Church by the Glades. Williams filled in this past weekend for its lead pastor, David Hughes, who has led the church into total self-absorption with its focus on entertainment and creative arts. Williams, like all self-promoting pastors, came to church in a $690 t-shirt looking like this:

This isn’t solely about Williams, but this is a regular problem in the modern church in America. It’s just that Church by the Glades has become one of the hubs of this irreverent apostasy. It’s like a competition to see who can draw the most attention to themselves, promote themselves, make themselves look and sound good, draw a crowd, and ultimately, take the glory away from God.

Those who exploit the pulpit, the sacred platform of the church, to draw attention to themselves violate the essence of Christian humility. The Apostle Paul was unambiguous in his teachings on this matter, penning in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” This isn’t a gentle suggestion—it’s an inexorable command from the very mouth of God. Dressing garishly and turning worship into a spectacle of self-aggrandizement does nothing but taint the solemnity of the church and cast a shadow on the glory that should be God’s alone.

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Jesus Himself scorned ostentatious displays of piety. In Matthew 6:1, He warns, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” Your acts should not be a carnival of colors and self-promotion—rather, they should be an unpretentious testament to your faith. In the quietness of genuine devotion, God’s glory shines most brightly.

Paul also tells us to study the Word of God to show ourselves approved. It is a well-established fact that oftentimes, ignorant and unlearned people try to bolster their self-confidence with their physical appearance—it’s the bleached blond phenomenon at play. These people do not look like they have studied God’s word and prepared themselves for preaching and worship, they look like clowns.

This is a ringing indictment against the culture of self-worship that has a stronghold on the modern church. If this is how you present yourself to the Lord while preaching His word, you should probably just do us all a favor and stop calling yourself a Christian. Shift your gaze from the mirror, and fix it firmly on God. Forsake the vanity of worldly adulation and strive to hear the divine applause of heaven. The church isn’t your runway—it’s the throne room of the King.

For reference, here’s how much his shirt cost:

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