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Featured LifeWay Speaker Who Says God Raised Up Homosexuals as the Most Credible Voices on Sexuality Defends Rachel Gilson

by | May 19, 2023 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Yesterday, The Dissenter broke the story that a Southern Baptist Convention-approved women’s conference during the annual meeting would be featuring a speaker who preached a sermon a few years ago stating that homosexuals who are in a “gay marriage” might stay together because “God hates divorce.” This same woman, Rachel Gilson, also said during a podcast that homosexual “Christians” can live out their sexuality faithfully whether they are attracted to men, women, both, or even potted plants.

Yep, seriously. She said that. Here’s the clip:

But now, it has come to our attention that another “same-sex-attracted” woman, a prominent featured author for the Southern Baptist Convention’s LifeWay, and who says things that are just as outlandish is coming to the rescue of Rachel Gilson. Her name is Rebecca McLaughlin, and we’ve written about her before.

And here’s more:

Rebecca McLaughlin has made herself famous as a left-wing social justice warrior and self-described feminist who has openly stated that she’s attracted to women. She has also said that if she weren’t a Christian, she’d likely be married to a woman. She also stated that homosexual attraction is not worse than heterosexual attraction. But, in 2019, McLaughlin penned an article at The Gospel Coalition insisting that “faithful” homosexuals are the most credible voices that God has raised up to speak for the Church on issues of sexual immorality.

“Likewise, when it comes to other areas of cultural engagement, we need to let our most credible voices speak,” McLaughlin writes. “In a world where Christians are seen as homophobic bigots, we need to get behind the biblically faithful, same-sex-attracted Christians God has raised up to speak for and to his church,” she added.

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Worse, in 2018, McLaughlin penned an article at The Gospel Coalition urging Christians to try to find “gospel themes” in the book, 50 Shades of Grey, which is about sexual fetishes and various forms of disgusting BDSM–nothing a Christian should be laying their eyes on.

McLaughlin writes,

…the idea of this awkward move from transgressive eroticism to marriage can teach us something about the human condition. It is perhaps something those of us who identify as Christians, and rightly champion marriage as the only context for sex, will hesitate to acknowledge: marriage is ultimately unsatisfying.

One needs to ask the question: why are these so-called “faithful” homosexuals so obsessed with sexuality? And why are they pushing such an unbiblical view? And why are these openly same-sex-attracted women being so heavily platformed as the Church’s leading voices on issues of sexuality?

Isaiah 3:12 comes to mind, it is the judgment of God on the compromised, professing Church:

My people—infants are their oppressors,
    and women rule over them.
O my people, your guides mislead you
    and they have swallowed up the course of your paths.

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