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Lutheran Seminary Chapel Sings Buddhist Worship Song About Being One With the Earth

by | May 2, 2023 | Apostasy, Climate, Cult, heresy, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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The phenomenon of inter-religious idolatry is nothing new and has been a mainstay of Paganism since the fall. Simply because some religious sects refer to themselves as “Christian” does not make it so. God, through the revelation of Himself and recorded in the Scriptures, has defined what it means to be Christian—and the vast majority of what we see passing itself off as Christianity in modern times certainly is anything but.

Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN is one of these false representations of Christianity. While it passes itself off as Lutheran, it practices anything but Christianity. During a recent seminary chapel, the seminary worshiped to a Buddhist worship song about becoming one with the world.

The Plum Village song, “We are all the leaves of one tree,” originates from a Buddhist monastery in France and carries a message that amounts to nothing more than earth worship. The song’s lyrics metaphorically compare humanity to leaves on a tree, asserting an interconnectedness that is opposed to sound Christian doctrine. Rather than acknowledging the individuality and unique value of each person, the song promotes a collective identity and an ideology of universal unity that undermines the Christian concept of uniqueness in Creation and individual salvation, and personal relationship with God.

“We are all the leaves of one tree,
Flowing in the same timeless breeze.
Different colors, shapes, and forms,
Yet together, in this world we’re born.”

“Rooted in the earth, we all belong,
Connected by a thread that’s strong.
Branching out, reaching far and wide,
One tree, united, side by side.”

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