Bethel Church, located in Redding, California, is a congregation that has become a hotbed of ungodly practices and delusional teachings, all at the hands of two men who call prescribe themselves as modern-day prophets and apostles of God—Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton.
These self-proclaimed messengers of Jesus have become known as the Dynamic Duo of nonsense, who have been leading their followers down a path of deception and away from the biblical teachings of Christianity. The church has become a cult in every sense of the word, built around the delusional and grandiose visions of its faux prophets, and is sustained by the emotionally stimulating “worship music” and fantastical tales spun by its pastors.
One of the many deceitful practices that Bethel Church has become notorious for is the display of “glory clouds,” a spectacle that actual true Christian leaders and experts have thoroughly discredited. The equally absurd practice of “grave sucking” is also prevalent in this church, both of which are not only deranged but directly contradict biblical teachings.
But now, Bethel Church has done something that even at its worst, it has never done before. They are now baptizing openly professing homosexuals to the applause of the entire congregation.
Joshua Bassett, the 20-year-old star of Disney’s High School Musical, came out as a homosexual to his fans in a casual interview with Clevver News, subtly sharing his affection for another man, Harry Styles, and stating, “This is also my coming out video, I guess.” He later confirmed his aberrant sexual lifestyle in an interview with GQ, stating of being part of the LGBTQ+ community, “I wasn’t joking,” and “I stood behind every word that I said.”
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Prior to his baptism, he was asked by a pastor at Bethel why he wanted to be baptized. He said, in front of the congregation, that he had grown up Christian but had run as far away as he could in pursuit of “truth.” He revealed that his journey had only led him to addiction, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, and more. However, he went on to state that “No other teacher gave me anywhere near the peace that Jesus Christ did, and I’m here to publicly declare him as my Lord and Savior.”
Unquestioningly, Bethel then went on to baptize him.
Apparently, however, Bassett experienced buyer’s remorse for his baptism at Bethel claiming he wasn’t aware of the church’s policies and beliefs.

I think it’s safe to say that Bethel’s “policies and beliefs” are unbiblical as there is no way that the pastor baptizing him didn’t know that he was homosexual.