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SBC Pastor Says He Has “No Idea” If LGBTQ Couples Who Come to Christ Should Get Divorced

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Andy Wood has become a popular name in recent months in Evangelical circles as he was recently selected to replace Rick Warren as the lead pastor of one of the largest Southern Baptist churches in the nation, Saddleback Church. After Warren announced his retirement, The Dissenter began to look into some of the teachings and practices of his successor and found quite a bit that places him outside of the realm of sound teaching and he makes #53 on our False Teacher of the Day series.

Andy Wood and his wife, Stacie, planted Echo Church in 2009 where he served as lead pastor and his wife served as a “teaching pastor” in contradiction to the biblical teaching on women pastors. While pastoring Echo Church, we found that Wood, as most compromised pastors do, took an extremely soft stance on homosexuality stating that homosexual desire isn’t sinful unless it’s “acted upon.”

Now, we’ve discovered another clip of Andy and his “pastor” wife, Stacie, holding an online Q&A about homosexuality. One of the questions asked was if a homosexual couple who is married and has adopted children come to Christ after they’re married, should they stay together? Wood, looking extremely bewildered by the question, repeatedly stated that he “has no idea” whether they should stay together because “God hates divorce.” He said that it was a “gray area” and that one should pray and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit about.

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