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Virginia Legislation Would Grant Personhood to Unborn Fetus For HOV Lane Travel, but Not Abortions

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Abortion, Feminism, News, Politics, Social-Issues, US | 0 comments

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HB 1894, also known as the High Occupancy Vehicle and High Occupancy Toll Lane Exemption for Pregnant Women bill, is a piece of legislation that seeks to grant a pregnant person’s fetus the status of a passenger in a car, thereby allowing the vehicle in which the pregnant person is traveling to use the carpool lane on highways. On the surface, this bill may appear to be a pro-life measure, recognizing and protecting the rights of the unborn as human beings deserving of the same rights and privileges as those who are born. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that this bill is nothing more than a politically motivated, hypocritical, and shallow attempt by Republicans to appear pro-life while actually prioritizing their own convenience over the lives of innocent unborn children.

It is a well-known fact that Republicans have a long history of paying lip service to pro-life values while not actually taking any real action to protect the rights of the unborn. The High Occupancy Vehicle and High Occupancy Toll Lane Exemption for Pregnant Women bill is no exception. The idea that Republicans would grant personhood status to a fetus for the sake of carpool reasons is not only absurd, but it is a clear indication of their hypocrisy and lack of genuine commitment to pro-life values.

But it’s not only the Republicans who are guilty of playing political games with the lives of the unborn. The Democrats are even worse. They don’t care about unborn children at all. They are more interested in protecting their own political interests than in protecting the lives of the most vulnerable among us.

Conservatives are tired of the political games and want real action from congress. We want laws and policies that recognize and protect the rights of the unborn as human beings deserving of the same rights and privileges as those who are born. We want to see a society that values and respects the sanctity of human life at all stages.

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It is time for the politicians to stop playing games and start taking real action to protect the lives of the unborn. We need laws and policies that reflect our values and that actually make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable among us. It’s time for congress to stop the political games and start taking real action to protect the rights of the unborn.

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