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Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?

by | Dec 6, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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by The Doctrinal Watchdog

The time has come to purify the bride of Christ

Anyone supporting same-sex marriage legislation needs to be put under church discipline including pastors.

Back in 2019, some people (not us) were shocked when SBC president JD Greear preached a sermon from Romans chapter 1 where he concluded that Christians must be the fiercest supporters of gay rights. Now in 2022, you have people like David French and the TGC crowd openly supporting legislation that will enshrine “gay marriage” (which is not a thing) into law. What should our reaction be?

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These men and any other person supporting this abomination must be put under church discipline. Such a process will either lead to the person’s repentance or their excommunication from the church where they would then be regarded as a heathen or an unbeliever per Matthew 18. This is the Biblical approach because, remember, a little leaven leavens the whole lump (Galatians 5:9). Of course, many of the men who support this while claiming Christ cannot actually be found in a local church on Sunday morning. Such men have, in a sense, excommunicated themselves from the fellowship. If someone doesn’t go to church and just follows along with whatever the leftist political establishment is pushing, we would already regard them as an unbeliever. So that settles that. Such men are clearly not following Christ.

Obviously, with JD Greear’s Summit Church—which is more like a corporation with JD Greear serving as CEO, so don’t expect anything from places like that—they are quickly sliding into apostasy. And without a work of the Spirit of God, within a generation, his church will be just slightly to the right of the United Methodist Church and the other rainbow denominations that daily bring reproach to the name and cause of Jesus Christ.

The time has come to purify the church—in fact, it’s long overdue. So if you attend a church where people can openly support what the Bible calls an abomination and the church refuses to do anything about it, respectfully speak to the pastor or elders. If they will not hear you take two or three with you. If they still will not hear you present your case to the congregation. If that fails then move on and find a church that holds to the word of God, for the Lord has removed their candlestick.

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