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The Church Has Failed by Not Speaking Out Boldly Enough Against This Perversion of Christianity

by | Oct 17, 2022 | Apostasy, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

There is a great evil that is now pervasive in our society and it’s greater than any evil we’ve ever experienced in the history of the Church. To be clear, homosexuality and almost every form of sexual perversion have always existed. In fact, it’s been in existence since the most ancient of recorded history even in the Scriptures. Sexual immorality was the primary cause of God’s judgment on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and Paul spoke so strongly against it in Romans 1 that sexual immorality, particularly, homosexuality and its various offshoots, was described as the judgment of God itself against those who persist in other sins.

Despite this, it wasn’t until recent history—and primarily stemming from the apostate American church—that homosexuality has not only become tolerated but celebrated as a religious rite in and of itself and passed off as Christianity. The new, progressive religion masquerading as the Church of God is the most perverse twisting of Scripture and the Christian life that the world has ever seen. It’s really impossible to get much worse than this—it is literally Hell itself masquerading as the Bride of Christ.

Yet, the true Bride has been very silent about this and has failed by not speaking out boldly and clearly against this evil masquerading as themselves. Very few are willing and courageous enough to stand up against this evil of our day and meanwhile, people are being led straight to Hell.

Listen as this sad soul speaks about his life as a cross-dresser and then explains how he now has found faith in this new church that he’s at. The fact that these false churches are allowed to go around and proclaim the name of Christ with nary a rebuke from the Evangelical Church speaks volumes of the sad state that we’re all in. The Evangelical Church has such a large platform to be able to boldly speak the truth and that platform has been defiled with angst against pet causes like “white supremacy” and “misogyny” and other leftist political causes. But the true Church has failed to speak clearly against the true invasion of evil that pretends to come from Christ.

There should be bold lines drawn in the sand and the leadership should stand up and denounce this evil. In the words of John Calvin, “A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God’s truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.”

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