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Yahoo! Says Abortion is the Answer to the Nation’s Diaper Shortage

by | Oct 14, 2022 | Abortion, Cult, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Apparently, there is a diaper shortage in America and apparently, the manufactured COVID crisis is part of the cause. And, according to at least one journalist, the solution to the nation’s “diaper crisis” is to direct more money toward abortion centers.

“Seriously?” you ask. Yes, I’m serious. An article at Yahoo Finance, of all places, suggests that anti-abortion groups are responsible for exacerbating the diaper crisis because they aren’t spending enough money to give away free diapers to irresponsible mothers who keep having kids out of wedlock.

According to the article, titled America is facing a diaper crisis, and the anti-abortion movement is making it worse, “Instead of providing direct material support to people, [anti-abortion centers] are using this money for overhead costs to pay for staff salaries, to engage with SEO marketing professionals, to expand their outreach to promote themselves, and all sorts of things that are not providing services to people in need,” Equity Forward Director Ashley Underwood told Yahoo Finance. “They solely exist to deter people from getting abortion care.”

Ashley Underwood apparently didn’t tell Yahoo Finance why it was the responsibility of anti-abortion groups to give handouts to irresponsible people. The implication here is that since pro-life groups aren’t doing enough to bribe mothers into keeping their children with handouts, the best solution is to divert money to pro-abortion groups.

That’s exactly what the article concluded. “It’s very disturbing that a pool of funds like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is not going directly towards needy families,” Underwood again told Yahoo Finance. “It’s going towards funding these propaganda machines. That’s the best way to describe these anti-abortion centers.”

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Underwood then said that “we really need to be taking a close look in how we can create an infrastructure that supports parenting and supports pregnant people, and supports people to be able to make the reproductive decisions that are best for them.”

Of course, “reproductive decisions,” doesn’t mean “abstinence before marriage.” In fact, it doesn’t even “use protection,” if you want to look at it from a secular standpoint. In the minds of these God-hating leftists, murdering children is the best solution for everything and they will do anything to maintain their ability to practice their religious cult’s sacrament of abortion.

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