Yesterday, we brought to you the story that the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) is partnering with He Gets Us which is essentially a public relations campaign that is attempting to make Jesus more palatable to the public.
NAMB, which is led by Kevin Ezell and funded by Southern Baptist Cooperative Program money—your tithe dollars—is joining this campaign and will be hosting a webinar today at 2:00 to explain how you and your church can join this PR campaign for Jesus. According to the event website, “People across America, and in your community are discovering, rediscovering and talking about Jesus.” Therefore, according to the website, “He Gets Us is the biggest campaign to change hearts and minds about Jesus in our lifetime.”

According to some reports, billboards are already showing up all over some American cities that boast messages such as “Jesus was an immigrant,” and “Jesus let his hair down too.” Really idiotic stuff. But this is who Southern Baptist leaders want you to help fund with your tithe dollars.
Texas Pastor Tom Buck decided to follow up and reach out to the He Gets Us campaign to see exactly where they stand on issues. And not to our surprise, this ministry is completely and totally apostate, gay-affirming, and will send you resources to help you find pro-LGBTQ and pro-transgender churches. Further, this ministry assures you that Jesus will not judge you for being a homosexual.
Here are some screenshots from Buck’s interaction with He Gets Us. Buck’s questions are in yellow and He Gets Us responses are in white.