By now, anyone who believes the United Methodist denomination is not of Satan is foolish, at best, and quite possibly anti-Christ. The United Methodist Church (UMC) has repeatedly and continually dropped the ball, accepting sexual perversion, ordaining homosexuals and women, and preaching a false gospel for decades.
While there remains a handful of conservative congregations in the denomination who haven’t been fully given over to this nonsense, their continued alliance with this wickedness by their association with the denomination is actual, tangible guilt that carries the stark warning of God’s judgment.
Isaac Simmons, a drag queen who goes by the name “Ms. Pennycost” and who is up for ordination in the United Methodist Church recently denounced the Scriptures as “nothing” and refers to God as “she” in a recent poem published on his blasphemous website.
Simmons was recently invited to Allendale United Methodist Church to preach a “children’s sermon” where he and the pastor had young kids come up to the front of the stage to groom them. During that sermon, the pastor explained that the verse, Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” is actually about being a drag queen, and that “Ms. Pennycost” was here to demonstrate that.
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Also interesting to note is that the kids are being masked as they come up front while the adults are exempt from it. This is one-hundred percent child abuse.