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Not Satire: Joel Osteen Promotes New Book in His Own Office With Shelves Filled With His Own Books

by | Oct 6, 2022 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, News, Religion, Video | 0 comments

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Notorious Word of Faith heretic, Joel Osteen has a new book he wants you to know about. It’s called Your Greater is Coming. We’re not sure if this is the sequel to his best-selling heresy Your Best Life Now or if it’s a new work altogether, but one thing is for sure: if Joel Osteen wrote it, it doesn’t reflect biblical theology.

That being said, what better way for a narcissistic charlatan to fleece his sheep than by propagandizing them with his own self-idolatry from his own office where his bookshelves are filled with works by great theologians like Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, and John MacArthur? Just kidding, you won’t find any of that there because his shelves are filled with his own books.

“Hey everyone,” he says in a video promo for his new book. “I’m in my office where I write my messages. I’ve also been honored to write quite a few books. You can see some of them here.” Well, it’s really just pathetic to watch how tickled he gets with his self-exaltation. See the video below:

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