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Joe Biden Demonstrates Why a Faithful Christian Could Never Vote Democrat, Clear Divide Between Left and Right

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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I’ve repeatedly argued that those who would immerse themselves into any worldview that allows them to vote for the Democrat party are living and acting completely contrary to a biblical worldview. One cannot be so deceived as to believe that voting for the filth that comes out of this party is in any way acceptable in the eyes of God. The issue isn’t politics, the issue is biblical thinking.

The Scriptures teach that when one is born again, one receives a new heart and is obligated to seek the will of God with a renewed mind. Romans 12:2 states:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

So many professing Christians pretend like politics is a separate issue from our Christian faith. With a simple perusal of today’s church landscape, we see a number of these people who’ve propped themselves up as leading thinkers of the modern church but in reality, are nothing more than infiltrators seeking to devour the Bride of Christ. But what’s even worse than that is when these leaders, hearing the cries of the Church for clarity on political ideology, suggest instead that pastors should hide their political ideology from the congregation.

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However, one’s political ideology cannot be separated from one’s theology. In reality, for a Christian who claims Christ, it is NOT okay to vote for a Democrat as doing so is a clear and unambiguous violation of the commandments of God not only to love Him but to love your neighbor—biblically. For a Christian, a robust political ideology must be rooted in sound biblical theology and sound biblical theology cannot lead to opposing political ideologies. This is just their way to legitimize all the leftists who fill their pews as they make every attempt to appease them.

Joe Biden demonstrates exactly why this is true. Biden recently posted a tweet asserting that the Democrats want to codify the murder of innocent children into national policy while Republicans want to ban it.

Of course, that’s an oversimplification and I would argue that many Republicans are more pro-choice than pro-life. But the divide is abundantly clear—there are no redeemable qualities within the Democrat party. Let’s understand that Roe isn’t the only political issue that the left wants to codify into national policy. They also want to codify queer theory into national policy and indoctrinate your children into LGBTQ ideology in schools. They want to strip you of your religious freedom forcing you to celebrate these new ideologies. And practically the entire Democrat party platform reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments.

So, why do so many professing Christian mouthpieces pretend that politics isn’t a spiritual issue and that it doesn’t matter? I’ll submit to you that they know darn good and well it’s spiritual and they know that if they can convince you that your leftist politics is acceptable in the sight of God, then you don’t have to repent and believe the gospel. These people are wicked.

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