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“Gay Pastor” Who Advocates for Gay Sex Pills in Baptist Newspaper Says “Jesus Sinned”

by | Sep 12, 2022 | Apostasy, Cult, Health, heresy, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Last week, Brandan Robertson, a self-described “gay pastor” who we’ve written about several times at The Dissenter published a piece in Baptist News Global calling on Christians to support taxpayer-funded pills that claim to protect homosexuals who practice unprotected anal sex with random sex partners from HIV. Not to do so, Robertson claimed, is not “loving your neighbor.”

Now, this same guy who wants taxpayers to fund his homosexual promiscuity, claims that “Jesus Sinned.”

In a now-deleted tweet, possibly from the pushback he received, Robertson claimed that “Racism is sinful,” and that “Jesus sinned,” apparently because Jesus committed “racism.”

May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Brandan J. Robertson @BrandanJR Replying to @PossiblyKPerry and @ifffster Racism is sinful. Jesus sinned. And repented. 11:12 AM. 9/9/22 from Manhattan, NY Twitter for iPhone'

Last year, Robertson made headlines after he claimed that in Mark chapter 7, Jesus used a racial slur against the Syrophoenician woman. In an absolutely heinous display of biblical stupidity, Robertson says that because this woman was willing to buck up to Jesus, Jesus changed his mind and repented of his racism.

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Did you know that there is a part of the gospel of Mark where Jesus uses a racial slur? In Mark chapter 7 there is the account of the Syrophoenician woman–a woman who is Syrian and Greek–both of which there were strong biases against within the Jewish community.

And she comes to ask Jesus to heal her daughter who is possessed by a demon. And what is Jesus’ response? He says, “it’s not good for me to give the children’s food [meaning the children of Israel’s food] to dogs.” He calls her a dog. What’s amazing about this account is that the woman doesn’t back down.

She speaks truth to power, she confronts Jesus and says “well you can think that about me but even dogs deserve the crumbs from the table.” Her boldness and bravery to speak truth to power actually changes Jesus’ mind. Jesus repents of his racism and extends healing to this woman’s daughter.

I love this story because it’s a reminder that Jesus is human. He had prejudices and biases and when confronted with it he was willing to do his work. And this woman was willing to stand up and speak truth.

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