You may or may not be aware of the controversy surrounding Southern Seminary intern, William Wolfe and a tweet that he posted over the weekend. The tweet was an affirmation of a definition of “American Christian Nationalists” by Paul D. Miller, a former Obama staffer, who said that American Christian Nationalists “believe that the United States’ rightfully predominant culture is Anglo-Protestantism and that the US government should promote and protect this cultural heritage.”
Will Miller, himself, wasn’t affirming his own belief in that sentiment, Southern Seminary intern, William Wolfe did. And that set off the flames of Southern Baptist race baiter, Dwight McKissic’s tongue.
McKissic responded to Wolfe’s affirmation of this statement: “Paul D. Miller, affirmatively quoted by William Wolfe who’s on the payroll at SBTS, affirming ‘Anglo Protestantism’ as ‘the rightfully predominant culture’ that the US government ‘should promote and protect.’ @albertmohler this needs to be recanted,” as he called it “textbook racism funded by SBTS.”

Wolfe’s response, “Me, a reasonable person: Yes. Of course I belive and want that.”
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Now, simple-minded racially-motivated people like Dwight McKissic read that statement and can’t get past the word “Anglo.” For them, the word “Anglo” is synonymous with “White Supremacy” and at that point, any ability to rationally think through something is lost. Watching these men try to think is like watching lab rats in a maze trying to find a piece of food—they get stuck in a corner and have trouble turning around to find an alternate route.
On the other hand, reasonable people with any understanding of history or even with a modicum of initiative to try to figure something out can quickly understand the point that Wolfe is making by stating his desire to protect the “Anglo-Protestant” culture in America. First, it has nothing to do with “white supremacy” or “whiteness” or “white privilege” or any of the other pejoratives that Critical Race Theory throws at conservatives. What Wolfe is referring to is simply the historic law and governmental system largely associated with the Magna Carta—which brought us the idea that all people are created equal, all (including the King) are subject to the law, and that all individuals have equal rights and protection of the law because we are all subject to God—should be protected and conserved by our government.
Essentially, Wolfe is arguing in favor of historic Republicanism—but apparently, according to McKissic, “that’s racist.”

McKissic goes on to tie Al Mohler, president of Southern Seminary to his “racism” rant pointing out that Mohler has identified himself with “Christian Nationalism.”

Mohler stated in a recent podcast with Israeli philosopher, Bible scholar, and conservative political theorist, Yoram Hazony that “Even conservatives who once would have identified themselves clearly as nationalists, they’re now running scared from the term. And we have the left routinely speaking of me and of others as ‘Christian Nationalists’ as if we’re supposed to be running from that.”
“And you know,” Mohler added, “I’m not about to run from that. I’m not about to join their One World Order, which frankly has absolutely no roots for the human rights they claim to be preserving.”
McKissic, of course, can’t get past the “Anglo,” which just means “English,” and accuses Wolfe, Mohler, and Southern Seminary of “nullifying and denying the Kingdom of God.”

The term, “Christian Nationalist,” has been co-opted by leftists like Dwight McKissic to be used as a pejorative against conservatives when, in reality, America has always been a Christian nationalist country. The Constitution itself is essentially a Christian Nationalist document and our laws have been historically derived from historic Protestant understanding of the Scriptures—it’s why the Ten Commandments have always been on display in courthouses. This included such things as the prohibition against murder, theft, homosexuality, and other things that are destructive to society.
This is essentially what it means to preserve the Anglo-Protestant culture of America. It has nothing to do with preserving “white supremacy,” which was a major problem in American history, to be sure. It has nothing to do with picking a denomination to govern our laws. It is essentially the historic, Republican-conservative-Christian system of law that our nation was founded on and any reasonable Christian should understand what Wolfe is saying, even if you disagree with it. And this isn’t to be construed as blanket praise for Mohler as he is largely personally responsible for a lot of the leftist takeover in Southern Baptist institutions, even if he is truly trying to distance himself from the woke movement. But to say these men are denying the Kingdom of God is simply foolish, uneducated, irrational thinking by little men who have an axe to grind with conservatism.