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Baptist Pastor of 7000-Member Megachurch Says Overturning Roe “All-Out Assault on Human Rights”

by | Jul 25, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, heresy, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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This probably wouldn’t matter so much if this were just some obscure church with a few dozen attendees, which is typically the case with these woke, social justice gay-affirming mainline Protestant churches. But when the pastor of a 7000-member congregation speaks, it’s kind of a big deal.

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Particularly, when that pastor says something so egregious, so blasphemous, so idolatrous, that the only appropriate response is a crawling sensation on the skin.

That’s what happened recently with Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. of New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Thomas, in a recent sermon, alleged that the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade is an “all-out assault on human rights.”

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“Church, we’re living in a serious time right now. When if ever we needed the Lord…we sure do need Him now,” Scott told his megachurch congregation.

“Can I see the hands of some of the people who were shocked and disturbed by some of the things you saw happening this week?”

“The Bible speaks about the beginning of sorrows,” Scott continued, “this is not the middle, this is not the end. The economy is acting strange. Technically we are not in a recession but realistically we are.”

“We learn about the efforts undergirding an insurrection last January, and now the Supreme Court has given out new decrees,” Scott moaned, “They’ve overturned Roe v. Wade and regardless of your feelings toward abortion, understand what they said was we now take rights that people had and we’ll give them back to the states to determine whether you have that right.”

Interestingly, or not, when these clowns talk about “human rights,” they never talk about the rights of the unborn human beings that God fashioned in the womb in His Image.

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