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Unelected NY Governor Says She Doesn’t Need Facts to Know Restricting Law-Abiding Gun Owners Saves Lives

by | Jun 30, 2022 | Law Enforcement, News, Politics, Social Justice, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Amid the Supreme Court striking down New York’s attempt at the most restrictive concealed carry law in its history which restricted permits only to those who could “prove” an immediate need to carry a gun, the state’s unelected governor, Kathy Hochul, explains that she doesn’t need facts or statistics to tell her that restricting law-abiding citizens from legally carrying a gun “saves lives.”

Hochul, or Governor Rabbit-teeth, as she is known, is, of course, a far-left whack job who has no business at all leading or making any decisions for any government, particularly a state as large as New York. Hochul has no understanding at all of how laws work, but to put it in simple terms, criminals don’t obey laws—and it’s the criminals who commit violent crimes.

In a recent interview, Hochul was asked if she had any numbers to show that it is the concealed carry permit holders who are committing gun crimes because it is the illegal gun owners who are committing these crimes. Hochul’s response was simply that “I don’t need numbers.”

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