I get tired of playing foolish games with false teachers. It’s time Southern Baptists and all Evangelicals for that matter purge Dwight McKissic from the ranks of the Church. McKissic, an outspoken Southern Baptist pastor known best for his racist rhetoric against White people and his repeated slander against godly men, is an accuser of the brethren and should not, under any circumstances, be treated like a brother unless he repents.

Taking MacArthur’s words out of context, the poster of the video—which McKissic favorably retweeted—asserted that MacArthur would have been a massive slaveowner if he were alive during the time of American slavery. Of course, that’s not even close to what MacArthur was stating.
This person, along with the foolish people in the comments below the video, have no understanding of the gospel. MacArthur clearly understands what it means to be a slave to Christ. In fact, he made this point very clear in his book, Slave. The illustration of slavery throughout history works only as a contrasting backdrop to what it means to be a slave to Christ—the ONLY perfect master.
But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. —Romans 6:22
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