“Sexual immorality is the evidence that a society is under the divine judgment of God for that sin.” —John MacArthur
In the last couple of decades, we have witnessed something that is foreign to the historic Christian Church. We have seen more and more of the professing Church embrace something so vile that God wiped two cities off the face of the Earth for practicing it and the Apostle Paul warned that a nation that is under God’s judgment is evidenced by this very form of wickedness. That wickedness is rampant, unrepentant sexual immorality.
Churches embracing this heresy is no longer limited to the far-left mainline Protestant denominations such as the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) or the Evangelical Lutheran Church. It has infected to a growing degree even the more conservative denominations such as the PCA and the Southern Baptist Convention through soft affirming movements like Revoice and Living Out.
But historically speaking, the Roman Catholic Church, despite its bad theology and corruptions of the gospel itself, has stood as a strong adversary to the influx of liberal social agendas. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church has always sort of stood as a litmus test for where the broader professing Church stands on social issues such as abortion, LGBTQ, and feminism.
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That is no longer the case as the push for LGBTQ acceptance in the Roman Catholic Church is at an all-time high under the current pope. One church, Our Lady of Grace of Hoboken, New Jersey, will be offering a “pride mass” for what they call “LGBTQ brothers and sisters.”

The Hudson Reporter states that “the masses began back in 2018, and Rev. Alexander Santora, the pastor of the church, says that it’s to show that they’re welcoming.”
“They’ve been very exhilarating and we’ve got hundreds of people who come,” he said. “We get families, we get people, couples. I think the message is an important one, because what it says to people is that God is a god of everyone, we’re all brothers and sisters and we learn from each other.”
“Our annual Mass is a way to say that we are proud of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters,” the church’s website states, “and move toward a more inclusive church and society.”