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Rep Mike Johnson Stumps Abortion Advocate on Question of Distinction Between Two-Year-Old Child and Unborn Child

by | May 18, 2022 | Abortion, News, Politics, Social-Issues, US, Video | 0 comments

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Louisiana Republican Congressman Mike Johnson made a pro-abortion advocate look extremely foolish during a recent exchange in a congressional hearing on legislation regarding abortion. The pro-abort attempted to make the case that a child’s life should legally be able to be taken at any stage during pregnancy but admitted that taking the life of a two-year-old child would be wrong.

The congressman then followed up by asking her to distinguish between a two-year-old child, or even a one-hour-old child, and a child just a few inches up the birth canal that hasn’t been born yet. Her response was like a deer in a headlight, a long pause, followed by “I trust people to make decisions about their bodies.”

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