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Episcopal Priest Says Protestant Bible Is An Artifact of the American War, Didn’t Exist until 1782

by | May 11, 2022 | News, Politics, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Sometimes, when you hear people speak, you have to wonder if stupidity was a consequence of the fall—but, then again, not everyone seems to have suffered as much as some.

Episcopal priestess, Wil Gafney, responding to the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, attempted to argue that the 66-book Protestant Bible isn’t really the true Bible, it’s an artifact of the American Revolutionary War. Unsure how she came to that conclusion, it’s completely absurd on its face. Besides the fact that the canon of Scripture is decided by Scripture itself and the 66 books used by the Church today are historically upheld and affirmed by many traditions, the notion that the American War had anything to do with its selection is just plain dumb.

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