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Charismatic “Pastor” Says Jesus Took Her to Hell Where She Saw Beautiful “Cobwebs of Hatred”

by | May 5, 2022 | heresy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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The New Apostolic Reformation, also known as the NAR, is a loosely affiliated association of apostates who believe that they receive direct, divine revelation straight from the throne of God.

Of course, they do not. And their so-called revelations are always absurd and almost always contradictory to Scripture. One example of this is a “prophet” named Jenna Winston–who said she was delivered by Jesus from a life of drugs and alcohol when Jesus supposedly climbed up in the bed with her at a psychiatric hospital and played with her hair.

Donna Rigney, the “pastor” of Church on the Rock in Bunnell, FL, has a wild story to tell us. Rigney says she met Jesus who then took her on a tour of Hell. On her way to Hell, they went through this dark tunnel and on the walls of the tunnel were these beautiful cobwebs. But, it was then that Jesus told her that she shouldn’t touch them because they were made up of the hot breath of demonic hatred.

According to Rigney, these cobwebs are all over the world, too, but we can’t see them because they’re invisible. However, whole cities, families, and even nations get destroyed by these “cobwebs of hatred.”

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