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Former Anglican Archbishop Says Becoming Transgender is “Sacred,” Calls for Legislative Ban on Biblical Beliefs

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, argued in front of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the government should push forward with its ban on what secularists have dubbed “conversion therapy.”

“Conversion therapy” is a catchall phrase that encompasses a wide set of practices and beliefs ranging from a secularized brute-force method attempting to change one’s sexual desires by exposing them to erotic stimulation to biblically-based counseling, prayer, and preaching. It is the latter that has the secularized world up in arms, though, and it is the latter that activists are calling on governments around the world to put a stop to.

According to the Christian Institute, Williams joined a host of other religious leaders in Britain calling on the government to include “transgenderism” in its proposed legislative ban on conversion therapy by signing a letter penned by LGBT activist Steve Chalke to Boris Johnson.

“To be trans is to enter a sacred journey of becoming whole: precious, honoured and loved, by yourself, by others and by God,” the letter read.

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“To allow those discerning this journey to be subject to coercive or undermining practices is to make prayer a means of one person manipulating another. It is a wrong-hearted notion of care and a wrong-headed understanding of conversion. Every church should be a safe space that affirms people in being who they are without fear of judgment.”

The letter continued, “We have waited four years around this and we can’t wait any longer. A ban on conversion therapy must be now and it must be a ban for everyone, for all people, for LGB and T people.”

This should demonstrate the disarray that the professing Church around the world is currently in. It isn’t just the Anglicans who are apostatizing, the vast majority of major denominations around the world are already somewhere along the path to apostasy. The professing Church has become little more than a spiritual prostitute that seeks to appease the carnal desires and pursuits of the world. The book of Hosea is a concrete illustration of what God thinks about that—He will not be mocked.

Williams served as Archbishop of the worldwide Anglican communion between 2003 and 2012.

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