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Russell Moore Visits Apostate Union Seminary to be Lectured on Christian Homophobia

by | Mar 30, 2022 | heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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I’ve been blowing the whistle on Russell Moore since 2013 when he took office at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). For nearly a decade, Moore was the most influential man of the so-called “conservative” denomination as he craftily infected the Southern Baptist Convention with leftist ideologies.

Moore, a former staffer for Democrat congressman, Gene Taylor, immediately began to mix his far-left political ideology with Christianity creating what is now known as the “woke church” movement. While Moore is certainly not the architect of progressive Christianity, he is the first in the SBC to take the reigns and move the Overton Window of progressivism as far as he did.

Whether it be Moore’s breaking bread with the gay community, his softening tone on homosexualityreferring to Jesus as an “illegal alien,” promotion and teaching of inherent “white guilt” by sole virtue of skin color, yoking with Democrat and socialist groups, serving as an editor for a Catholic magazinecoddling the transgender communitypartnering with animal rights groups and referring to animal rights as a “gospel issue,” fighting for the right to build an Islamic mosqueaccepting donations from billionaire leftists like George Soros to advance open-borders and amnesty, publishing articles claiming that the Bible affirms gender fluidity, or making the absolutely asinine claim that Western culture is demonic, one thing is for certain, Russell Moore‘s agenda wasn’t just social justice, but overtly progressive.

And today, the facade is completely off and Moore has landed exactly where he belongs—in the seat at the most apostate “seminary” in the world, the home of the father of Black Liberation Theology, James Cone—Union Theological Seminary.

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At a recent panel at the seminary, Russell Moore sits and is lectured by Cornell West on how Christianity has been “homophobic” towards homosexuals who West refers to as “children of God.” The entire panel lasted nearly an hour and a half and Moore sits through the entire thing nodding and agreeing with West as he spouts off far-left ideological propositions and blasphemes God while doing so. Make no mistake about it, Moore is far more aligned with the theology of this rank apostate school than he ever was with Evangelicals and mainstream Southern Baptists—and we’ve been warning about him for years. Finally, his true colors are showing.

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