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Hillsong Phoenix Disassociates With Hillsong, Pastor Calls For Internal Investigation

by | Mar 29, 2022 | News, The Church | 0 comments

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Hillsong Phoenix, which is led by Terry Christ, is the Phoenix, Arizona branch of the multi-national organization known as Hillsong Church. Amid multiple sex scandals committed by numerous pastors, including lead pastor, Brian Houston, Terry Crist announced during a sermon that his church would be withdrawing from the Hillsong brand.

After making the announcement to his church that Hillsong’s Brian Houston would be stepping down, he explained that he made the agreement with Hillsong prior to signing on that if Houston ever stepped down, he would have the ability to remove his church from the governance of Hillsong. He then explained his reasoning for doing so, which included not wanting to sign non-disclosure agreements.

“I was told this week, it is ‘all or nothing.’ We either had to allow the global church to govern our church and to own our properties, or we had to leave. And so with great sadness, I chose to leave,” Crist added. “I am heartbroken.”

He then called on Hillsong to conduct an internal investigation within its governance structure and “dismiss” those on the board that are serving to cover up misconduct rather than do what’s best for the people and churches. Good on him for making that statement.

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However, While it is a positive step in the right direction that Crist is pulling out of Hillsong, it must be noted that Hillsong Phoenix is far from a solid, biblical church. Annually, the church hosts the Alpha Conference which is a mixture of teachings involving new age spirituality and mysticism and the conference hosts a Roman Catholic mass.

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