It seems like every day another celebrity pastor, another popular worship artist caught up in the snare of fame and fortune apostatizes as they cave to the world’s demands to celebrate the Romans 1 delusion. Reformation Charlotte recently offered some thoughts about the celebrity Christian lifestyle and its tendency to cause those caught up in it to turn their backs on God. We received quite a bit of pushback on that, but the following is a prime example of the ultimate effects of that lifestyle.
In a now-removed Instagram post, a popular worship artist, Chris Llewellyn, known by his band name, Rend Collective, posted the following urging people not to be honest when addressing or speaking about “transgender” people.
In response to a post by Kris Vallotton, a pastor at Bethel Redding (and this should not be construed as an endorsement of Bethel by any means, even though we would agree with him on this) stating that it was a man that won the women’s swimming championship—it was—Llewellyn responded:
“However you feel about the implications for sports(a wider conversation for sure)Calling a trans woman a man is hateful. Unking. Don’t participate in this kind of speech. History won’t be kind to you.”
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Now, to be clear, and to make sure we have our postmodern anti-biblical terminology correct, a “trans woman” is a biological male who is acting, dressing, and portraying himself as a female.
Llewellyn is correct, though. History will not be kind to those who don’t celebrate the world’s rebellion against God. However, if one is concerned about how history will “treat” them, and not concerned about how God is going to treat them, they have much more serious problems.
Rend Collective, you need to repent!