Legalism is a huge problem in professing Christianity–but when that legalism involves laws that are completely made up, ambiguous, and arbitrary, the problem is compounded exponentially. Legalism is not only wrong, but it is also sin, and unrepentant legalism is just as deadly as any sin.
Despite this biblical truth, churches around the world continue to bind the consciences of Christians by teaching as commandments the doctrines of men. One Baptist pastor, Dr. Howard-John Wesley of Alexandria, VA’s Alfred Street Baptist Church, says that refusing to wear a mask is a violation of God’s commandments.
To any reasonable Christian, this is absurd on its face. Yet, he enlists a far-left woke activist who happens to be a Yale professor to call Christians “anti-Christ”? You can hear Wesley begin to get worked up as he insists that those “individualists” — which, by the way, the Scriptures clearly teach as opposed to socialism — “risk his life” by not wearing masks.
We need to stop pretending like these people are part of the true Church.
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