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Author That Beth Moore Praises and David Platt and TGC Platforms Comes Out in Support of “Queer Theology”

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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We can say emphatically that a lack of discernment is a serious problem in Evangelicalism. While there are many truly born-again, well-meaning Christians who just don’t follow the political sphere of the Church enough to know what’s going on, those who should be shepherding the flock are failing tremendously at their primary duty.

But the Church’s problems are far worse than just a lack of discernment among well-meaning Christians. The Church is filled with false teachers, haters of God, immoral wolves in sheep’s clothing who have crept in unawares to purposefully deceive people into following a false Christ. The Scriptures warn of the Church tolerating these people; Revelation 2:20 warns against churches who tolerate false prophetesses who lead their churches astray into false teachings and immorality.

That woman, today, is Beth Moore.

The Evangelical Church as a whole has stood behind Beth Moore as she has cunningly and deceptively led people away into myths and false teachings. From former Southern Baptist president, JD Greear, to former ERLC head, Russell Moore along with many others, Moore has been repeatedly platformed and applauded by those leaders who should be doing the work of discernment for their own sheep. Instead, they’ve fed them Beth Moore.

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Unsurprisingly, an author who Beth Moore has repeatedly praised and spoken highly of–and recommended to her followers, has come out in support of “Queer Theology.”

Now, you might be wondering what “Queer Theology” is. Well, it is basically a Christian-themed version of Queer theory that seeks to study and explain heteronormativity in society and in the Church. Essentially, it is the LGBTQ version of Critical Race Theory. Queer theory, in fact, stems from the same foundation as other forms of Critical Theory and has its roots in Marxist thought. The purpose is to normalize homosexuality in the Church and attempt to make it acceptable among the ranks of Evangelical Christianity.

But Beth Moore is low-hanging fruit. What if I told you that this person was also a contributor to The Gospel Coalition, David Platt’s Radical, and Jemar Tisby’s “Black Christian Collective,” The Witness? As I wrote in the article linked in the paragraph above, the Evangelical Christian Community has all but fully embraced “queer theory” as a valid form of Christian theology.

Here, at this link, Dante Stewart’s materials have been featured on Platt’s “Radical” website. Here’s a screenshot since it’s likely that this post will ultimately be silently removed.

Dante Stewart, a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, also boasts of his writings at The Gospel Coalition and The Witness, among other prominent Evangelical websites:

Why would David Platt and other Evangelical leaders platform Dante Stewart? How could their discernment be so bad? I submit to you that it has nothing to do with their discernment and everything to do with their mission. Their mission isn’t about biblical truth and seeing the lost come to Christ–instead, it’s about social justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and every Marxist term you can come up with. And the fact that these people masquerading as Christian leaders can platform this guy without knowing who he really is speaks volumes about their goals.

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