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TGC Author Tells Parents God Uses Transgenderism and Homosexuality to Make Kids More Like Christ

by | Feb 7, 2022 | heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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One can only wonder how much longer Jesus will wait before unleashing full wrath and judgment on those who continue to blaspheme His name. I wish I could say that I was surprised by such an absurd assertion, but clearly, with the history of The Gospel Coalition and it’s many LGBTQ activists it continues to platform, nothing is surprising anymore.

Ed Shaw is one of the partners at Living Out — a ministry which was founded by Sam Allberry, an admittedly gay Anglican priest — who was exposed for his implicit and explicit promotion of unbiblical sexual ideology. Shaw’s statements and ideas were so gross that even Sam Allberry himself attempted to distance himself from him after it was exposed. Yet, despite Shaw’s continued promotion of LGBTQ activism, The Gospel Coalition continues to platform him as though he has anything to offer in the way of Church edification.

In a recent podcast meant for parents and children who are struggling with homosexuality and other aberrant sexual desires, Ed Shaw urges parents not to be concerned with their child’s sexual struggles and not to desire that they become straight because God uses their homosexuality, transgenderism, and other aberrant desires to “make them more like Christ.”

Ed Shaw, as a member of the LGBTQ-Transgenderism blasphemy community, heavily promotes the idea that Jesus understands the struggles of transgender people because Jesus, himself, suffered from body dysphoria. In an article at The Gospel Coalition, he says,

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I’m wanting the young people who come to this event to know that Jesus is the one person that they can fully trust with their sexualities, identities and gender because he is both their Creator God and a human being who knows what it is like to grapple with a sexuality, identity and gender. Teenagers today are being presented with such a confusing range of options that they especially need the tender care that Jesus offers all of us as we struggle with what it means to be a human being.

In another article at The Gospel Coalition, Shaw attempts to normalize same-sex attraction–despite the clear teaching in Romans 1 against this notion–arguing that his attraction to a man’s body is normal and natural. He  writes,

I need to stop seeing male beauty as a loaded pistol aimed destructively at me and instead as something that points me positively elsewhere. I need to respond to it better and to do that I think I need to understand how beauty works a little better.

Part of this is, I think, a growing realisation that my response to male beauty is, at one level, very naturalIn desiring a beautiful man, in wanting to become one with him, I am responding to real beauty as all human beings tend to whenever, wherever, they discover it in any overwhelming form.

Ed Shaw, and the host, Ed Drew, then go on to argue that it is good for parents to invite gay “married” couples to dinner and expose their children to them arguing that repeated exposure to these people will not corrupt your children.

Of course, this flies in the face of the Scriptures that teach the exact opposite:

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

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