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Francis Collins’ and Tim Keller’s BioLogos Says God Did Not Require Jesus to Die to Forgive Sins

by | Feb 4, 2022 | heresy, News, Opinion, The Church, Theology, Video | 0 comments

Francis Collins has made headlines in recent weeks after he was exposed for partnering with Evangelical elitists to promote misinformation around the COVID-19 virus and push an experimental vaccine upon unsuspecting Christians who “trusted” him as a Christian himself. Francis Collins, besides being the former head of the National Institutes of Health, is also the founder of the pro-Evolution “Christian” organization, BioLogos—of which also prominent pastor, author, and speaker, Tim Keller, is a major contributor.

Keller is a proponent of theistic evolution, essentially a Christianized version of the evolutionary worldview that contradicts what the Scriptures actually teach about Creation. In a paper he published at Biologos, he argued that in dealing with people who are unable to reconcile science with their Christian views, Christians must figure out how to present the Scriptures to them in a way that seems compatible with science. Theistic evolution was also heavily pushed in his 2008 book, The Reason For God, where he taught that the solution to doubt — which he insists is normal and healthy — is to reconcile the secular view of evolution with the biblical creation account.

The compromise is extremely dangerous because it undermines the truthfulness and reliability of Scripture. Not only does it call into question the reality of the fallen nature of man and the curse the world is under because of sin — it also calls into question the reliability of the doctrines of the virgin birth and resurrection of Jesus Himself.

And that compromise has been clearly exposed at the BioLogos website as the “ministry” has now outright denied the cross, the atonement, and the purpose of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

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In an article written at BioLogos, the author, Joseph Bankard writes:

First, the incarnation is not primarily about the cross. God does not send Jesus to die. God does not require Jesus’ death in order to forgive humanity’s sin. As a result, God is not motivated by retribution or righteous anger. Instead, the incarnation is motivated by love. God wanted humanity to know him in a new and robust way. God wanted to be present to humanity in the midst of its sin and isolation. God desires right relationship. As a demonstration of God’s immense love and compassion, God takes on flesh and bone. He becomes a vulnerable child relying on humans for his every need. He learns what it is to hunger and thirst. He experiences torture, humiliation, and isolation on the cross. In the end, Jesus experiences death. And in so doing, Christ connects to humanity in a new and powerful way. His compassion both shows us the way of our salvation (revelation) and inspires us to follow after him.

Of course, this flies in the face of what the Scriptures actually teach about the atonement. Yet, despite this clear example of heresy, mainstream Evangelicals continue to promote those associated with this godless organization and continue to characterize it as “Christian.” Besides Tim Keller, also Ed Stetzer, Russell Moore, and others have platformed Collins and others associated with BioLogos to push a secular medical agenda.

Calvin Smith from Answers in Genesis also addresses the heresy at BioLogos.

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