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Andy Stanley’s Church Opens With Cover of Occultist Band, Led Zeppelin

by | Jan 20, 2022 | News, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Andy Stanley, the pastor of North Point Church in Atlanta, GA, is well-known for making controversial statements that downplay the gospel, downplay sin, and downplay the Word of God in favor of his social gospel. Stanley, who has fully immersed himself in the “woke church” movement, recently preached a sermon where he told his congregation that it wasn’t enough to just not be racist and that, as Christians, we must embrace the far-left secular movement known as “anti-racism” which is rooted in Marxist Critical Race Theory.

But apparently the woke movement isn’t the only anti-Christian movement Stanley likes to dabble in. Apparently, Stanley is friendly with the occult.

Well, apparently, he at least has an affinity toward those who dabble in the occult. Andy Stanley’s church recently opened with a worship song cover of the occultist band, Led Zeppelin. Stanley attempted to rationalize the song by asserting that the band needed to “get it out of their system” so they would “play the songs we need them to play.”

So why did we do that? Here’s why we did that. Because we have to let the band get things out of their system every once in a while just so they’ll play the songs we need them to play.

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Of course, that’s a lame excuse. Why would a church band need to get Led Zeppelin “out of their system”? Is the worship of Christ not fulfilling enough? Sadly, that’s the case for most modern Christian and church worship bands. The church typically tends to just be a launching pad for their secular music careers and many of them eventually apostatize altogether.

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