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Perry Stone Says Some Arabs Translated a Voice File of the Holy Spirit Warning Him About Discernment Ministries, LOL!

by | Dec 28, 2021 | News, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Perry Stone, a charismatic blowhard televangelist who recently made headlines after a woman shouted during a sermon that he was a “nasty perv” who kept touching the women that worked for him in his ministry. According to Protestia, a sister ministry to Reformation Charlotte, Stone admitted that he had “acted inappropriately” with women after taking a Sabattical in 2020.

“In July of 2020 took a sabbatical after 11 letters were sent to the Voice of Evangelism board of directors, as well as to the Chatanooga Free Press ,” Protestia wrote, “all from women who worked for him.”

“They alleged that Stone would frequently engage in sexual harassment, including groping, making comments about their breasts, kissing them on the lips and on their necks, asking for massages, and texting them asking for pictures,” the report continued.

Now, Stone has come out in defense of himself and, in the words of Protestia, has gone “full-on touch not my anointed” in his defense. This is typical of what charismatics do when they get caught in a sex scandal–which, let’s just be real, is the vast majority of them.

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Protestia reported the following screenshots of Stone’s Facebook posts defending himself, where in one of them, he says he sent an audio recording of the Holy Spirit to some unnamed Arabs who translated the audio as a warning about discernment ministries and then released a 17-minute video claiming that Protestia and other news outlets reporting on him as nothing more than a means to get clicks for ad revenue. Seriously, LOL!


Here is the video Stone released making his absurd claims about those reporting on him.

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