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David Platt Joins Leader of Evangelical “Gay Christianity” for Social Justice Conference

by | Nov 17, 2021 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The “woke church” movement aims to destroy biblical Christianity and fidelity to any doctrinal standards. The “woke church” movement has no actual doctrinal standards and will stand with anyone so long as they affirm that white people are wicked and promote social justice.

Further, the “woke church” movement exists for one purpose, not to glorify God, but to advance their social justice movement–and they will set aside any and all doctrinal standards while partnering with anyone, including “gay Christianity,” to further that cause.

Over the last several years, David Platt has taken a sharp turn away from biblical fidelity and has completely and totally embraced the social justice movement. In fact, the church he pastors is in the middle of a battle which may ultimately lead to a split because of Platt’s obsession with race and racism. One former member of Platt’s church was threatened with arrest recently for showing up on campus after speaking out against Platt’s leftward drift. Interestingly, in a Reformation Charlotte poll, 77 percent of people said they’d rather die than be forced to choose between David Platt’s social justice church and a heretical Prosperity Gospel church like Elevation.

Despite these significant problems Platt faces, he has failed to heed the warnings from Scripture to abandon false gospels lest he be accursed (Galatians 1:8-9)–instead, he’s teaming up with Revoice to advance it.

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Revoice is a conference that promotes “gay Christianity” and has actually advocated for homosexual Christian relationships and for, of course, calls for an end to the “victimization” of homosexuals, to which they coined the term “sexual minorities.” Preston Sprinkle, one of the co-founders of Revoice, refers to sexually confused men who dress, think, and act like women, as “theologically conservative.” And his ministry co-founder, Nate Collins, advocates for gay couples — or even triples — living together in “celibate” marriage-like arrangements that include man-to-man intimacy so long as it stops short of bodily penetration.

Yes, you read that right; the used-to-be solid Bible teacher who taught the Scriptures, preached the gospel, and admonished people to repent and believe has set sound doctrine on the back burner in order to join these people to promote social justice. David Platt will be joining Preston Sprinkle at the Theology in the Raw Conference next March, along with Jackie Hill Perry, Thabiti Anyabwile, and several others, including Chris Date–who denies the existence of Hell.

The stated purpose of this conference, which will be held in Boise, Idaho, is to discuss:

To be a Christian is to be an exile. The Bible has a name for the country we’ve been exiled to: Babylon. As exiles living in Babylon, we need to think biblically, Christianly, indeed exilically—not partisanly—through cultural and political issues.

Of course, this begs the question; shouldn’t being an actual Christian be a prerequisite to discussing how to be a “Christian in exile”? It’s safe to say that most of these people have demonstrated a severe lack of understanding of the gospel as it is revealed in Scripture. Yet, David Platt has, at least in the past, demonstrated a clear understanding of it. So then why would he partner with these people? What purpose is there for joining with these apostates for any purpose, especially a spiritual enterprise? What does this say about David Platt? You can answer that question for yourself.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? –2 Corinthians 6:14-16

UPDATE: It appears that David Platt may have been pulled from this conference. While we are not sure what the reasoning is, as of 03/20/2022, Platt’s name no longer appears on the list of speakers for this conference.

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