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As Evidence Shows Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Self-Defense, Don’t Forget TGC Called Him a “Mass Shooter”

by | Nov 8, 2021 | News, Opinion, Politics, Social Justice, Social Unrest, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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If you’ve been following the Kyle Rittenhouse circus trial the past few days, it has become increasingly clear that the prosecution is merely going through the motions at this point and likely doesn’t even believe they have a case. In fact, one of Rittenhouse’s attackers–whom the prosecution called to the witness stand–just admitted that Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t shoot him until after he pointed his gun at Kyle.

The whole thing is a circus and the trial should be stopped at this point. The judge should dismiss the charges and it shouldn’t even be left to a jury to decide. It’s clear the charges are fraudulent and only for show. Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.

But even though we had the video evidence over a year ago–and we knew at the time that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense–the left was persistent in making an example out of Kyle to advance their narrative. It is backfiring, of course. And if the jury were to somehow find Rittenhouse guilty amid the overwhelming evidence, it would spell the end of any meaningful right to bear arms for the purpose of self-defense in this nation ever again.

Of those leftists calling for Kyle’s head last year, though, are the Big Evangelical elites who have hopped on the secular bandwagon of the fake “white supremacy” narrative. Particularly, The Gospel Coalition, which compared Kyle Rittenhouse to mass murderers like Dylan Roof–who broke into a black church and opened fire.

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In an article at The Gospel Coalition titled Why I Hate August, Edward Copeland writes:

Kyle Rittenhouse killed people in the middle of the street (on camera and in front of witnesses) and then, smoking rifle at his side, casually strolled past law enforcement. He didn’t run away. He didn’t hide. He showed no fear. He assumed there was something about his person that would allow him to approach law enforcement with a visible semi-automatic weapon that had just taken lives—and live to tell about it. More than a few witnesses pointed out that he had just shot several people. Yet he was able to leave the scene and the state. 

When armed mass shooters (Kyle Rittenhouse, Dylan Roof, etc.) are apprehended without incident, and unarmed black people are killed out of fear that they might be armed, we have a more insidious problem than “a few bad apples.” This thing is cultural, pervasive, and abominable. 

Of course, it’s abundantly clear that the narrative Copeland pieced together here wasn’t actually based on reality, but on an imaginary narrative, these leftists have concocted in their never-ending pursuit of “justice” for an imaginary transgression–white supremacy.

This falls in the footsteps of Beth Moore–another Big Evangelical elitist clown who jumped on the “white supremacy” narrative as soon as Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School kid wearing a Trump hat who was deemed guilty of racism for smiling while a Native American anti-white activist beat a drum in his face.

What does Beth Moore do? As she usually does, she jumps on the liberal bandwagon of condemnation to further the common progressive evangelical agenda of “hating Trump” and pushing the fabricated narrative of “white privilege,” “white supremacy,” “nationalism,” and “xenophobia.”

If you aren’t convinced by now that The Gospel Coalition, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and its affiliates and allies are not actually Christian organizations for the cause of advancing the gospel, nothing is going to convince you. These are elite organizations–many of which are funded either directly or indirectly by the same billionaire elitists that fund organizations like Planned Parenthood–that exist solely for the purpose of advancing progressivism in the Church.

When this is over, I hope Kyle Rittenhouse will sue The Gospel Coalition.

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