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Lesbian Presbyterian Pastor Blames God for Her Relentless Support of Child Sacrifice

by | Oct 22, 2021 | Abortion, News, Opinion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Angela Williams, a far-left lunatic who believes she’s a pastor, has been platforming women who’ve had abortions in an effort to persuade others to follow suit. Williams, a self-described feminist and a PCUSA pastrix who preaches queer-theory, Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and practically anything else God hates, has been championing the cause of abortion and defending the rights of women to sacrifice their children on the altar of convenience through an organization called the Texas Freedom Network.

Williams was also active in the development of an anti-Christ movement called the Reproductive Freedom Congregation Designation which, according to this report, is “a group of more than two dozen Texas congregations that publicly pledged all congregants will be “free from stigma, shame, or judgment for their reproductive decisions, including abortion.””

Williams, who is now enraged that her ability to convince other women to kill their children, has been actively involved in denouncing the recent Texas abortion ban blaming God for her proclivity to support child sacrifice.

During her campaign against Texas abortion ban, she says:

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Now is the time to speak up, and say, ‘These laws absolutely violate my body. They violate my politics, space, and values.’ S.B. 8 is based in fear. It’s based in shame. It’s trying to scare people into silence. It might be successful in that regard, but we’re not going to go down quietly. It is important to stand up and say, ‘No.’ We’ve been quiet and silent, and let things happen for fear of disturbing the waters and disturbing relationships—and we have seen the devastating consequences of that. This has to come from a faith voice.

She then goes on to attribute her affinity for child sacrifice on God, blaspheming him by saying:

As clergy, our calling comes from a higher power. We’ve taken sacred vows to accompany people, to love them, and to follow God’s call on our lives; to follow God as we move and breathe and exist in this world. If there are consequences for doing that, so be it.”

These people are the enemies of God and need to be vocally and vociferously opposed by the true and living Church of Jesus Christ. We have to stop giving these people a pass. Call them out, call them out by name, and don’t let them get away with this blasphemy.

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