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Bethel’s Kris Vallotton Says He Had Encounter With Jesus While Laying in His Bathtub

by | Oct 5, 2021 | heresy, News, Opinion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Bethel Church is full of crazy kooks. If it isn’t senior pastor, Bill Johnson and his false prophecies, fake healings, and promotions of false signs and wonders, then it’s his associate, Kris Vallotton doing the same thing.

Kris Vallotton, the second “prophet” in command at Bethel Church in Redding, California, told a story of how he encountered Jesus while laying in his bathtub. On his blog, he writes:

I had an encounter with God years ago that has changed my life forever. As I laid in my bathtub one night Jesus walked into my bathroom and told me, “You’re a great leader. You’re going to be a prophet to kings, prime ministers, and governors.”

He then repeated this story in a video podcast he published, which can be seen in the clip we archived below:

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This story is very similar to, very creepily so, to the story that another ordained Bethel Church pastor, Jenna Winston told. Winston, like Vallotton, had a strange experience with who she says was Jesus. During her stay in a psych ward while being treated for mental illness, she says that Jesus walked into her room, climbed up into the bed with her, and started playing with her hair. It was supposedly at this time that Jesus told her she was going to be a great prophet or whatever. You can see that clip below:

False prophets, false signs and wonders, and false miracles are par for the course for these blaspheming frauds. The Scriptures are not enough for them and, like Jesus said:

An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So he left them and departed. –Matthew 16:4

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