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Catholic Priest Who Stole $100 Thousand From Church to Pay for Gay Hookups Only Charged With Misdemeanor

by | Oct 4, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

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In 2019, Reformation Charlotte reported that a Roman Catholic priest had allegedly stolen approximately 100 thousand dollars from his church in order to fund extensive vacations and gay hookups on Grindr. Monsignor Joseph McLoone of St. Joseph Catholic church in Downingtown, PA admitted to stealing and using the funds for this purpose.

McLoone has now apparently reached a plea deal and has pled guilty to only stealing $30,000 dollars and will only be facing misdemeanor charges. He will not be facing any prison time, however, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that he will be facing 5 years of probation with the first 9 months on house arrest.

A former Downingtown pastor pleaded guilty this week to stealing $30,000 from his parish to pad his salary, fund vacations to the Jersey Shore, and finance his secret romances.

Msgr. Joseph McLoone, 58, entered the plea to misdemeanor theft charges during a hearing Thursday before Chester County Court Judge Jacqueline C. Cody. He was sentenced to five years of probation, the first nine months of which he will complete under house arrest.

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McLoone was apparently looked to by his parishioners with an enormous amount of respect and trust. As we reported previously, because the Roman Catholic Church is largely a smokescreen for the sexually aberrant to hide behind, one should never trust a Catholic Priest.

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