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Canadian Anti-Tyranny Pastor Arrested on Tarmac For Not Wearing Mask After Returning From U.S.

by | Sep 30, 2021 | News, Politics, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Canadian pastor, Artur Pawlowski–who made headlines earlier this year after expelling local authoritarian health officials from his church in Alberta–was arrested on the tarmac at the airport in Calgary after exiting his plane returning from the United States.

Pawlowski’s attorney, Sarah Miller, confirmed the arrest but Calgary Police were unable to confirm the current charges against him but noted that the arrest was in relation to “failing to wear a face-covering (March 13, 2021) and disobeying a court order (June 5, 2021).”

During his stay in the United States, he made appearances on Fox News as well as other outlets, visited churches and other organizations to speak, and promoted a culture of religious freedom and free speech.

In the last decade, Canada has taken a strikingly sharp turn toward communism and totalitarianism as it has stripped freedoms from its citizens and uses the power of its police state to enforce unconstitutional orders from its government dictators. Among those government orders are the unconstitutional lockdowns, which have been commanded from Canada’s headquarters in China and are enforced by its statist police force.

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During these lockdowns, there have been a number of pastors who’ve bravely stood against tyranny and against government orders, have obeyed God to hold church services for their faithful members. One of those pastors is Artur Pawlowski of Street Church in Alberta.

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