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William Lane Craig Says It’s “Racist” Not to Consider Neanderthals Human Beings

by | Sep 23, 2021 | News, Opinion, Racialism, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Just when you thought wokeness couldn’t get any more woke, leave it to William Lane Craig to apply his deep philosophical thought to figure out a way. Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte reported that Craig openly admitted that he denies the literal Creation account found in Genesis I and II. Of course, he’s always effectively denied it, but he recently put it in the most blatant and rebellious terms possible.

Now, he’s taking his theological reasoning to its logical conclusion: we must consider those apes we “evolved” from to be human beings, otherwise, we’re racist.

Seriously, it couldn’t get much more asinine if you tried. Even if evolution were true–which it is not–using Craig’s logic, you would have to consider every creature in the evolutionary line from single-cell organisms to fish to apes to modern humans to be human beings, or else be called racist.

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