Thabiti Anyabwile–who we’ve covered on numerous occasions at Reformation Charlotte for various reasons–is a prominent and influential Southern Baptist pastor. A racial agitator and Black Nationalist who came out of the Nation of Islam movement to advance the same ethnic nationalistic ideology within the Evangelical Church, Anyabwile is well-known for pushing conspiracy theories about white supremacy and calling for progressive action such as slave reparations and affirmative action.
While Thabiti Anyabwile–formerly Ron Burns before changing his name to identify with the Black Nationalist movement–has been relentlessly advancing his ideology within the Church, he has repeatedly demonstrated his ignorance on actual issues of biblical justice.
We have repeatedly made the case at Reformation Charlotte that the politics and platform of the Democrat party are incompatible with biblical Christianity and any professing Christian who holds to these views should be confronted and disciplined. Anyabwile is a staunch Democrat who not only finds conservative politics revolting but has notably supported some of the worst pro-abortion Democrats in American history.
In 2016, he posted on Twitter that out of all of the candidates available, the pro-abortion candidate–who supports and wants to vastly expand abortion primarily in the African American community–was the best candidate for African Americans because of his social justice stance. In other words, slave reparations and redistribution of wealth outweighed abortion.
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Five years later, Anyabwile has not heeded the advice of other pastors and leaders within his own ranks–some of whom are even progressive–and has continued to demonstrate his inability to distinguish between the horrendous nature of abortion and other issues. For Anyabwile, it’s all just political.
Yesterday, Anyabwile compared the COVID-19 outbreak to abortion, suggesting that the COVID-19 outbreak should be treated as a holocaust:
But there is no factual or theological basis for this; it’s just a ridiculous leftist talking point. See, with people who’ve bought into the social justice agenda, it’s a brand new religion altogether. You’re either all-in, or you’re not in. Anyabwile is not this stupid. He has to follow what his religion teaches on this and his religion teaches that social justice must join the chorus of the left and oppose any rational, individual thinking on any issue and embrace the groupthink of the movement.
Of course, COVID-19 is a serious illness we should be concerned about–but to compare it to the holocaust of abortion is asinine. It really should go without explanation, but for those who actually don’t get it, first, COVID-19 deaths are not the premeditated murder of innocent people. Secondly, abortion numbers are grossly undercounted and do not include chemical abortions. And third, COVID-19–like any disease–is a natural occurrence, unstoppable by any reasonable human means, and is not something that anyone actually supports, desires, or wants to remain.
On the other hand, Thabiti Anyabwile, by the very virtue of his political party affiliation, supports, defends, and encourages the premeditated killing of millions of innocent children.
And finally, there is no theological support to suggest that a disease that is spread through the natural and normal functions of day-to-day life is in any way equivalent to purposeful and intentional murder. Thabiti’s argument is just dumb. You want to see a real holocaust? Shut down the world’s economy in the name of “public health,” cut off the supply of basic needs for people, and see if a world that has devolved into chaos doesn’t result in a holocaust.