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Bethel Worship Leader Converts Antifa Member to Bethel Cult During Street Protest Worship Service

by | Aug 17, 2021 | News, Politics, Social Unrest, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Sean Feucht, a worship leader a Bethel Church known for his conservative political activism around the nation, has purportedly converted an ANTIFA member while out on the streets during a protest in Portland. Feucht and his band have been on the streets of Portland for the last several days in the midst of violent protests, very close to the action, and even being attacked by members of ANTIFA while playing their music.

Bethel Church in Redding, CA, is pastored by Bill Johnson–who claims to be an Apostle–and the church practices various forms of idolatry ranging from false manifestations of the Holy Spirit through what they call “glory clouds” to a witchcraft-like practice known as “grave sucking.”

Grave sucking,” or “soaking,” according to Charisma Magazine, is “the process by which someone lays on the grave of a deceased Christian in order to absorb their mantle or anointing.”

Bethel is also one of the primary producers of emotionally manipulating worship music. Bethel’s music is designed in such a way to be loud, overbearing, and repetitive, causing some people to go into a trance-like state which has the effect of opening their minds to suggestive manipulation. It is, indeed, a form of spiritual mind control.

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Feucht, who has been leading the worship band in Portland for the last several days, contends that he and his band converted an ANTIFA member on the streets. While it is certainly possible that enough of the gospel was heard during this nonsense to convert this man–God can use whatever he pleases to work things together for good–it is far more likely that he was emotionally manipulated into whatever this is.

Of course, we’re glad this man purportedly walked away from ANTIFA, but if you read this, and you truly want to understand what it means to walk with Christ, please also walk away from Bethel and find a Bible-believing, God-fearing Christian church to disciple you. Also, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you.

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