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Andy Stanley Self-flagellates In Front of Black People, Believes That’s How to Appease the Woke

by | Jul 30, 2021 | News, Opinion, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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The woke cult, regardless of skin color or ethnicity, is a ferocious bunch with an insatiable appetite for destruction, division, and control. The prey for this beast lies on one end of a spectrum known as Intersectionality. That part of the spectrum stops with white men–especially straight, white men.

In this cult, like most cults, there are the leaders at the top of the food chain who have their band of subordinates who are committed to blindly following the role of the leaders out of fear of punishment. The leaders consist predominantly of woke, black people, and the subordinates consist primarily of straight, white men.

The woke culture has created an environment that makes those who are gullible enough to buy into it believe that the only way to appease non-whites is to self-flagellate. In fact, the virtue-signaling self-flagellation of these at the bottom of the food pyramid is a rite of initiation and a path to earn rewards from the leaders. If you self-flagellate enough, you can earn the right to belittle yourself in front of large crowds in their woke conferences and speaking circuits for money.

This is, exactly, what Andy Stanley has done.

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During a woke conference pastor panel, Andy Stanley sat before a crowd and belittled himself for the purpose of gratifying and appeasing the woke leadership he was there with. During that panel, called himself a “stupid white man” then contended that the only way to make ground on issues of race is to offend white people with idiocy like this and to admit that white people are only “smart enough” when they understand they don’t actually know anything.

HT: WokePreacherTV

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