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Russell Moore Critic, Alex McFarland, Offers to Lead the ERLC Without Pay

by | Jun 28, 2021 | News, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Alex McFarland, a prominent speaker and apologist, and former president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, NC. McFarland is now director of the Center for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University. He recently announced that his Southern Baptist church is withholding its funds from the denomination’s cooperative program until either the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) changes or is eliminated.

McFarland has been a staunch critic of the ERLC and its former head, Russell Moore because of Moore’s insatiable appetite for the social gospel heresy. Last year, McFarland said that his Southern Baptist church was withholding funds from the ERLC and the Cooperative Program until something changed.

Earlier this year, something did change and Russell Moore resigned his post as the denomination’s most outspoken leader. Now, McFarland has offered to take that job–and to take it without pay.

OneNewsNow reports McFarland offering this up to Southern Baptists:

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“I will serve in the role of leader of the ERLC, and I will do it pro-bono,” he offers to the SBC. “I would like to give back to the denomination that invested itself in me. It will not cost the SBC a penny, and I can virtually guarantee giving to the Cooperative Program will go up.”

McFarland, who has been part of the SBC since coming to Christ, has already held several positions of leadership in Southern Baptist institutions.

“I’ve seen the inner workings of the machine, and I’m very blessed to have the trust of hundreds of pastors across America and thousands of parishioners,” he shares. “I am deeply concerned for the health and possible trajectory of the SBC.”

The apologist also promises a new chapter for the ERLC, as he believes “the really petulant autonomy, the hands-off, no accountability that was insisted upon by the previous administration should be done away with.”

McFarland says the new mission will be “to observe and analyze the overlap of faith and culture, to comment … from a biblical worldview, and to equip the saved and ultimately contribute to the evangelism of the lost.”

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