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Russell Moore Accuses His Critics of Being Racial Bigots and Child Molesters

by | Jun 2, 2021 | News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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As you’re probably already aware, the most influential leader in the Southern Baptist Convention, the far-left political and theological activist, Russell Moore–who headed the public policy arm of the denomination, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), has resigned from his post to join the apostate ranks of Billy Graham’s magazine, Christianity Today.

Moore was undeniably the most controversial figure in the Southern Baptist Convention. In fact, it could be said he was the most controversial figure in all of mainstream Evangelicalism. Moore’s leftist activism landed him in hot water on multiple occasions with conservatives including once drawing the ire of then-presidential candidate, Donald Trump, in 2015. After relentless months of anti-Trump tweets and labeling Trump an “arrogant huckster” who is unfit for office, Trump finally responded to him by calling him a “nasty guy” with “no heart” who doesn’t represent Evangelicals.

Much speculation has occurred in the wake of his departure as to his reasoning but until now, our best guess has been that Moore wanted to his critics to the mark by departing before he was voted out at the upcoming annual meeting this month.

Moore has been under investigation by the Executive Committee since the ERLC has been touted as the most draining resource in the denomination, causing many churches to stop giving to the Cooperative Program until the political activist was gone. Moore’s proclivity to use his platform to launch a leftist political agenda has agitated countless church members and church leaders. In the past few years, a movement against his progressive drift has increase and pressure to remove Moore from office has grown.

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One would think Moore’s decision to leave would be rooted in his desire to move on and continue his damage somewhere more fitting to him. But Nah, that’s not why he left. He left because he doesn’t want to provide cover for his critics who are “racial bigots” and “child molesters.”

In a leaked letter from Moore to the ERLC Board of Trustees, Moore bashes the denomination and accuses his critics of wanting to fire him because of his work in the denomination against sexual abuse. “The lazy journalistic assessment would be that this is about the President of the United States,” Moore writes. “This has nothing to do with that.”

He then goes on to let the board know what it is really about, writing that the “presenting issue here is that, first and foremost, of sexual abuse.” He continued, “This Executive Committee, through their bylaws workgroup, “exonerated” churches, in a spur-of-the-moment meeting, from serious charges of sexual abuse cover-up.”

After bashing several churches and leaders for several paragraphs, he then summarizes his reason for leaving as not wanting to provide cover for these people.

When God called me to himself in Jesus, and when he called me to serve him in ministry, he called me to stand for the truth, to point the way to the kingdom, to die to self, and to carry the cross. He did not call me to provide cover for racial bigotry and child molestation. I will not do that. I love the Southern Baptist Convention, and am a faithful son of the Southern Baptist Convention. I do not believe the people of the Southern Baptist Convention want me to do that, at least that’s not how they have acted in their votes when they are assembled together in national convention. But a small group in the shadows do want me to do that. They want me to be afraid of them. They want you to be afraid of them.

I am not afraid of them.

Of course, this is complete lunacy at its finest and it demonstrates that Russell Moore is not only delusional but has been living in a completely different world for the last seven years as he’s advanced his agenda. Whether it be Moore’s breaking bread with the gay community, his softening tone on homosexualityreferring to Jesus as an “illegal alien,” promotion and teaching of inherent “white guilt” by sole virtue of skin color, yoking with Democrat and socialist groups, serving as an editor for a Catholic magazinecoddling the transgender communitypartnering with animal rights groups and referring to animal rights as a “gospel issue,” fighting for the right to build an Islamic mosqueaccepting donations from billionaire leftists like George Soros to advance open-borders and amnesty, publishing articles claiming that the Bible affirms gender fluidity, or making the absolutely asinine claim that Western culture is demonic, one thing is for certain, Russell Moore did not represent his base as a voice in the denomination and this is the real and actual reason he’s gone.

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