In the endless movement to promote “equality,” the LGBTQ movement has taken on a new mission to include black and brown people in their spectrum of rainbow-colored propaganda. The movement now includes black and brown colors tagged onto the end of the regular gay rainbow to symbolize solidarity between “marginalized” homosexuals and “marginalized” people of color.
The new flag looks something like this:

Of course, most normal people of color probably look at this and question the motivation behind it–they don’t want to be lumped in with sexually aberrant people who can’t even figure out if they’re male or female or something else completely imaginary.
Yet, American Airlines takes it even a step further by lumping the two transgender colors in with it: pink and blue. American Airlines has now updated their Facebook profile page to include these additional colors as part of their company logo, officially comparing black and brown people with people who choose to live a lifestyle of abnormal behavior.
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American Airlines is essentially saying that being black or brown is not normal, therefore, they must be promoted alongside queers and crossdressers in order to normalize them. We actually find this quite demeaning and degrading to our fellow human beings and ask that American Airlines–and anyone else promoting this–to cease and desist.