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Steven Furtick Says His Kids Think Heretic, T.D. Jakes, Wrote Parts of the Bible

by | May 7, 2021 | heresy, News, The Church | 0 comments

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Steven Furtick, a world-class false prophet based out of Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC, says that his family loves prosperity huckster, anti-Trinitarian false prophet T.D. Jakes so much that his kids think he wrote parts of the Bible.

Of the worst of these self-idolizing narcissistic prosperity gospel preachers are Steven Furtick and T.D. Jakes. Both of them have embraced the anti-Trinitarian heresy known as modalism. The reason they embrace these false doctrines is that they cannot wrap their heads around God’s revelation of Himself in Scripture — because the Scriptures, to them, are not about God. To them, Scriptures are about themselves, what they can accomplish, and how they can increase their own health and wealth. To them, God is nothing more than a genie in a bottle.

In the video below, Furtick says “you are so loved in the Furtick household that our kids think you wrote parts of the Bible.”

Furtick has clearly spent far too much time around modalistic heretic, T.D. Jakes. Apparently, Furtick now embraces the same heresy that Jakes affirms, rejecting the orthodox view of the Trinity that teaches three distinct, co-equal, co-eternal persons of one substance, and instead replaces three distinct persons with three separate manifestations that do not co-exist simultaneously but instead changes forms at different times.

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