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Well Over Half of Professing Christians Say Pre-Marital Sex is Acceptable

by | Apr 8, 2021 | News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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As the push for sexual freedom continues to be front and center of the world’s conversation, those who profess Christ are even succumbing to the seduction of worldly cultural norms. Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte published an article outlining some steps that can be taken to prepare our children for the next sexual revolution. It will be a monumental task so long as the Church is not openly and boldly standing against it.

In a recent Pew Research poll, it was revealed that 57 percent of professing Christians believe that having sex outside of marriage is acceptable–a belief that contradicts historic, biblical orthodoxy. This trend is likely to grow as sexual immorality is institutionalized and celebrated in our nation and the world.


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