Last month, the infamous wild-eyed Southern Baptist lady-preacher, Beth Moore, announced that she was following charismatic race-baiter, Dwight McKissic “off the bus” of the Southern Baptist Convention after she said she could no longer identify with the positions the denomination officially stood for. After her departure, this author predicted that it would only be a matter of time before Beth Moore’s true doctrinal views began to pour out, including, eventually, a full affirmation of homosexuality.
Well, she’s getting there.
Today, Moore announced that she’s asking for forgiveness for following and teaching the long-held biblical doctrine affirmed by the Southern Baptist Convention, complementarianism. Complementarianism teaches that men and women are equal, but have differing roles assigned by God and revealed in Scripture. Those roles, for women, do not include preaching and teaching.
Beth Moore, however, has been doing that for years and, now, she’s on her way to full and complete apostasy–mark my word. Here she is renouncing her previous views on biblical gender roles:
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Now, keep in mind, Beth Moore has used terminology similar to “went too far” before. Here, she denounces complementarianism as going too far, and, up to this point, Beth Moore has refused to take a solid stand on homosexuality. When approached for an answer, she refused to give one and then later said that it was “exceeding Scripture” to call homosexuality a sin, so she would refrain from doing it.
Now, keep in mind that this is the woman who insists God told her not to witness to a man at an airport, and instead, shuffle through his luggage to find a hairbrush so she could brush his hair. This is also the woman who insists God told her in a dream to go to a bus stop she’d never been to before, find a random woman, and give her money. And this is also the woman that insists God lifted her up and gave her a vision telling her that He was going to unite all sectors of Christendom — including Roman Catholicism. Yet, in one of the rare situations where Beth Moore actually wrote something biblically sound and true — a clear position on the sinfulness of homosexuality — she later retracts the statement and insists that she’s “exceeded Scripture” and then said that by writing that, she was “doing more harm than good.”
If you watch the trajectory that Beth Moore has been on, you would see a clear picture of apostasy being painted before your eyes. It’s not that Beth Moore hasn’t been a false teacher since she started teaching falsely years ago–discerning Christians have been pounding that case for years. But it is increasingly evident that Beth Moore has little regard for the actual doctrines of Scripture and is in this to suit her own passions and desires.
It doesn’t take a prophet to see what’s coming, yet, when it does, it’s going to be difficult to resist saying “we told you so.”